Sunday 22 September 2013

You are that....

You are that? That's what you ate? Are you?
People sit there and try and understand who they are why they are the way they are, why bother? 
When many sit there and will constantly complain about who they are.
The only person who can change your life is you...

I have worked with people whom have anxiety and from time to time breathing techniques will get you through, I always say confront your fear with the person you look up to. Your role model some person in your life with strength, whom you desire to be. The biggest problem is making this person face their fears. They are exactly that just fears, like the fear of spiders, how quickly can a shoe squash this fear.
Use your mind to crush your fears.

People whom have depression need to do one thing..
Make sure you are depressed and not sad. These days when you are seen to cry in the eyes of society you are labelled depressed, many whom suffer from chronic pain are labelled depressed. 
Depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain, often this isn't caused by the death of a relationship or you losing your job. 
Depression is an illness many are born with, many get sadness and depression confused. 
Depression lasts everyday where you don't want to be apart of the world, you don't want to make new friends, it doesn't come and go its something that is consistent in ones life.

 PTSD are caused by a circumstance in your life that one should never have seen, many of these people find any situation hard, to sleep, eat and be a part o society as a whole person they fear many things, but always try and put a smile on their faces as they hide this from others, today the treatment of PTSD with dogs is becoming a massive help for these people.

Social phobia people whom do not like associating with people in a small group or crowd, why is this caused? Something has often happened to make this person socially scared. I suggest steps to get out and meet new people joining a support group with people exactly like you.
Many of these people have been told to shut up too many times that they believe they do not belong in a social environment. 

Post natal depression many woman suffer this after the birth or even during the younger years of their child's life, whilst there are many books out there for every new parent to read no birth is ever the same. Not feeling a bond or connection to a child can be disruptive to a female as they are nurturing and emotional in there thoughts and feelings.
How can you help? Watch for the signs.
And if your feeling alone at this time ask for help.

To many people these days try to portray perfection, nothing is perfect. 
Whilst people strive for perfection they waste time getting to know there flaws and imperfections. 
I want to be perfect, I want to keep up with the Jones.
Be a unique version of yourself stuff keeping up with anyone just be yourself.

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