Sunday 22 September 2013

What's in an opinion....

Have you ever been one of them people who say, what others think. You have a virus where your mouth doesn't filter anything that your mind thinks. You wonder where that metal strainer is that would stop you from saying what could offend others into oblivion.

We are all born with a mind a voice where, we are often asked to communicate. 
Ever heard this "why don't you say what you feel, or what your thinking?" 
What's the point when you open yourself up to having your head ripped off, or opening yourself up to others opinions. Whilst people don't agree with you, they can find any avenue to attack you.
You may not think like they do, you may not look at life as others do.
Others are much older has visions of the world only I could dream of yet there ignorance is like an alien growing on your arse-hole. 

In the middle of my own time line, and I wonder how other have been brought to believe and think as they do, when in today's society we have so much choice and freedom to grow. 
I often wonder if my growth was stunted by my parents chain smoking in the car with the windows up?

Life isn't about much money your earn, what kind of car you drive or what kind of house your living in,it's about the dog you own? What breed of dog do you own?..
Lite isn't about the confusion your siblings lead to believe like the reasons we have donkeys is because a cow and a horse breed.
Or being told white dog shit is Minties, the powder taste like eating an aspirin and having the flakes crust your teeth. You can wash it out and all it will do is create this assign ball of white shit spit in your mouth..

I have suffered, depression and personality disorders and I have kicked myself through it like a ball being kicked into a goal, hitting the back of the net. Imagining that it was my enemies face in there smiling. What's it like having no teeth? Eh eh ...
What was this caused by? I didn't feel love, I didn't love myself. I lived in the past and would say my parents never hugged me or expressed there love for me. 
Communication at home was a minimal thing, where if you talks your father may miss the news. 
I was teased at school, I didn't excel, I didn't have the brain to, I just wanted to play sport.
I was good at everything, but I was immature and I guess they didn't like my opening mouth thing.
But now I know the difference between depression and sadness, I wished I hadn't carried on played the victim, I get more attention being positive then negative. And my soul learnt to forgive, so now I have the ability to live.
Whilst this always gets under the skin of those whom are chronically depressed. Why are you depressed? Do you have a job? Can you walk? Do you have a family who loves you? So you love yourself? With so much mental health services out there, it only takes you to ask for help. You would be surprised how much exercise and a good diet helps with your well being.. 

I had a hysterectomy at 28, no children for me, yet my other friends had one for me anyway as well as the spare one for the county. Instead I brought dogs. And I get this " they are just dogs". This would be why so many animals are up for adoption.
When you look at a puppy how dam cute are they?.. Nothing in the back of your mind says. It's going to eat my new shoes or the computer cord. Or it may like swinging on the washing line. I better get a mop and bucket cause this thing will shit everywhere. I will come home from work and he will be swinging from the blinds. Who knows what could happen to the carpet. 
No this doesn't happen. I love when my puppy is a dog. And I love when they are old and they can't see and stare into space, waiting for something to appear.
Nothing fucks me off more than people whom get a dog and then get rid of it. People shouldn't buy the pet in the first place. 

I thought by starting a blog I would be able to discuss things people think but are too scared to say out loud. And I will offend but don't look at my writings from your own mind, look at it from a misunderstood mind 
I'm not perfect I have learnt from experience and life. I don't read books because I have the attention span of a chook.  

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