Tuesday 19 November 2013

Have a budget that works.

Many people ask me how is it you save when yo earn next to nothing. 

In fact when I use to earn $1000 a week I found myself spending more but having nothing to show for it. Where did that money go? On reflection I was wasteful, fast food, smokes wanting to party and live the life. But when it came Christmas time or a birthday or even car registration I would be scratching around for money and really struggling. Why? Because that $8 a day I would waste on lunch would have equated to money in my pocket, I could have made my lunch. So I was spending $40 a week on lunch. In the big picture $40 a week would have equated to $2000 a year. 

People today put to much emphasis on what we want not what we need. Do you really need that new iPhone? What's wrong with your old one? Nothing so why do you need a new one? 
There is nothing wrong with wanting the best, but do you need it?

When I suggest people save I always say what are you spending money on that you really don't need to? Like McDonalds 3 times a week maybe? Learn to cook your own burgers. It's often because people are lazy they would rather buy then enjoy the taste of a home cooked meal. 
Eating out should be a treat a reward not something you do because its easy.
When shopping do you buy things that end up being thrown out? People walk every isle when this can tempt you in to purchasing that special only to see it sit in the fridge or cupboard for months. To expire then be thrown away.

Everyone can save. It's about looking at your bills and rent and making that and food your number one priority, what you have left in your hand say it is $100 a week and you have a family, you have rego. What are you doing with that $100 left over! 
If you put $20 of that in to a separate savings account get the bank to shift it the day you get paid, by the end of the year that's $1000.

That's your rego and some Christmas gifts covered. 
People find it easier to be in debt live in credit as its easy to pay things back rather than save money.

Do you own a money box? Buy yourself a coin money box and make a habit of putting all of your loose change into it. 

Consider this have you ever purchased something with cash? Have you ever walked in and paid a big bill off and felt the relief? You can feel this all the time if you budget wisely. And you need to be realistic when your doing this. Write a list of things you have purchased over the last 12 months, how many things did you really need? Where would that money be better spent right now?

I will give an example a single income say $700 a week
Rent $250
Food $120
Phone - Internet $25
Fuel - $80
Loan- $200

I would suggest you put money on a power bill but its up to you, if you are saving you will be able the cover the bills , like rego and electricity bills, birthdays and Christmas, even when your fridge blows up you won't need shop credit because you will have cash. And cash talks people.

Leaves you with $120
What are you spending this on? Is it worth it's? Do you NEED IT?

If you use a credit card first thing in the morning cut it up and concentrate on paying it off or combine it in your personal loan and the monthly repayment put it on your new loan.this will free you up. From $120 for me I would concentrate in saving $50 a week,if you smoke cigarettes try things like rollies, this will help you A cut down because you will find yourself not wanting to roll them B save money because it will be cheaper.

Because of stress many people have habits like smoking and drinking, try and find the cheapest way to do so. And be sure people don't miss out on things because if this habit especially you! 

Rent that's a lot why wouldn't you buy your own home? Rent should never be half of your pay if you are using 50 percent of your wage to pay your rent, you need to look to buy a home. You could purchase a cheap home and the repayments would be less than your rent. 

It's nice to have cash in your wallet but its even nicer to look at a bank balance of $5000 in your savings when you have nothing.

Some people say no live or today. But what happens tomorrow if your whole life changes you can't work? 
Important things to do for low income earners. 

Shop at Aldi, or where you can get a bargain 

Buy bulk it's better to buy a full rump or scorch fillet at IGA and butcher it yourself. For $23 you will find yourself with 25 steaks.

Have a money box and make an habit to put loose change in it.

Put money into your super, contribute the first hours on monday work by salary scarific, salary sacrifice everything you can its a great return for you at tax time.
The government also contributes dollar for dollar, it's a good way to save moneywithout  noticing it.
Also on your super check you have things like permanent disablement and death insurance on your policy, often it is worth running these via your super because its cheaper than some of the life insurance and workers insurance.

Overtime use overtime money as either a larger payment in a debt or save it, pretend you never received the extra cash.

Do not lend money to others, be stingy often people take forever to pay back a debt, your not a bank so you don't have the power to demand payment from friend as a bank or company can demand a payment.

Always have a number or a target, 
Start off small, reaching a goal like $500 will give you freedom, reaching $1000 will give you more, and so on. 

Remember you are a money making machine, you are potentially worth $100s thousand of dollars you need to look at where you are purchasing out of sadness or buying things you really don't need. Everyone has that jumper you brought that's never been warn? Sell that shit off. Many people hold on to things that add nothing to their lives if its not sentimental it's shit. 

Impulse buying seeing something that grabs your eye, often marketing people use tactics to make people buy "crap" they don't need. When you see something like this walk around the shops or come back later.

Buy things that are good quality, if you are one of them people on buy and sell sites buying everyone else's shit that you don't need unlike these pages unless you sell yourself do not go buying other people's trash.

Saving is about dedication it's about writing a number down and going for that target, the more money you see in your account the more greedy you will be, in a great way this will allow you to pay bills your rego, if you have to drop everything and travel across the country you don't need to be using your weeks pay to do it and leave yourself short for weeks if not months to come.

Working people
I challenge you all to save $5000 50weeks .thats one year 
In the first 10 weeks I want to see a balance ina secret savings account.
If you can show me this time next year that yo have a zero balance today and by the end of the year you have $5000 you will get two free face to face readings

As its harder for you to save I manage $40 a fortnight 
So that is $2000 at the end of the year.
If you to can save $2000 by the end of the year and show me proof you will also win two free face to face readings.

Conditions are only thing you can take from the account is money for registration and one power bill . The rest has to be solely savings.

So by the end of the year pensioners should have $1500
And you working folk $4300

Starts as of today 22/11/2013
And this is all in numerology power numbers 
So lets see who can save...
I may alter this as its not a fully finished blog but I will be adding more in as we go along.

Good luck 

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