Sunday 9 August 2015

One by one

Once we lived where the biggest worry many of us had was what we would be doing on the weekend. Now we are all filled with fear fears of religion, fears of the human race. We should be scared of people's mental health not the religion they follow.
In Australia we are called bleeding hearts if we don't want people in refugee camps, those whom should be processed should be processed not left to rot on a detention centre, isn't the life they had to lead before the date today, taken in to account?

If they aren't going to be accepted as refugees send them home, and let them be killed and try and sleep at night, that's the real problem our government can sleep and nit think about them. 

When did people forget that what makes this country great is we are built on a mixture of humans from all over the world, sometimes people need to ask themselves where did you come from, and how did you get here? Instead of being ignorant and joining the patriotic ban wagon beating your chest, saying your Australian. It's about opening your arms up to others, that mateship spirit only shows in disaster or tragedy. Sad but true, we don't see our mates life goes on. And on.

I don't blame the Europeans who look at us and look at us as a slack country, we let our families fall apart. And that's not right the slack country because we don't keep things together, we have a problem in this country with domestic violence and people are more worried about boats coming to the shores of the country,use these refugees as productive members of society.

The country seems to have it's thinking all twisted we are happy to allow an Indian coal mining company to make millions out of our minerals but we don't want boat people? Watch what you wish for because they will import their workers to take your jobs. But it's okay for the people from other country to make money from us, just not live here with us? Kind of strange isn't it.. 

I will never understand why people will continue to hate others when they don't even know them, how someone can judge another without even learning about it, to be judgemental when we all have our own faults, sure I have an opinion and that's what having one is about provoking the thoughts in others, things that are hidden tend to be what turns the pages in our history books, I wonder if those spoke about what war does as this generation is will change the way in which we approach wars in the future, or will war just continue? I hope and I look at the universe and I beg for it to forgive us for destroying the beauty in which we just rape and forget to flourish it with love, we don't give enough back to the earth from which we take, we destroy it. 

We can't even love or care for what allows us to keep our feet flat. People say god will return some day? I don't believe anything will return, what people need to watch is the sun and the way it is burning the earth and even your own skin, the earth is mad at us for pumping gases and pollutants into the atmosphere. If we are reincarnated we have destroyed the earth that will feed us. I wonder if you will jump uo and down about water before coal then? I am far from a greenie but I know something's would work much better we have it all here but we take the easy way out. We dig our minerals when  the soil and the earth don't have these things all mixed together the earth fails. So the more we dig and destroy the further we ruin the lively hoods for our children and their own children, we don't seem to care, some do others are too busy making wealth and making themselves look fancy with a flash car or home. As long as a home is warm and strong that's all that matters. 

We take too much for granted like the human within. We as parents teach our children the difference between rights and wrongs, we fill them with knowledge and manners. But something is going wrong when the younger generation has list respect for those who are older than them, once we learnt from those older than us now the younger generation seem to know better. Better because they haven't been taught that those who have walked before them are wiser in life and will guide you right. That doesn't matter because it's about being better than another or being on a higher status, we all die. So we are all fucked because that's all there is after life, death. Your going to die. 

The day you die people will cry for a few weeks it will be raw but as time hoes by people forget you, they don't care to remember you or live by their promises to you. That's all there is death, so why do we live in away where we need to hurt each other? 
When I die I hope to meet those who gave a shit about me at some stage. Not those who tried to ruin me in life but those whom tried to push and boost me toward my dreams and goals. My animals I hope to see again if it is just to smell their breathes is all I get I'll be great full, for that. But we can't guarantee that our loved ones will meet us, some tikes why should they? When we haven't been loyal to those who they loved. Without some in our lives we struggle some of us never heal, some of us never feel like we fit in the puzzle anymore. The puzzle is broken and it can't be fixed because one or two major pieces are missing. 

Can we live as one, I don't think so, sadly we all strive to be happy that's all in life we just want peace happiness and love, now when we look at life as a whole we can't really say we have it or many of us just want it. Accept me love me. Hold me and accept me, acceptance starts within and when you find that and when no one else seems to be able to accept you that's not your problem that is theirs, when your at a point in your own life where you have pushed it away or let it go, you don't need that glimpse to turn things around again. It won't make you happy you need to remember how things end. 

I embrace what I have although it's not much a smile and kiss, my own family means so much so I really don't understand what can make another family fall apart. I can't be the glue I'm not that special. I have a bigger job and that's to teach my child to love even when others say love is wrong. To fight for what's right with passion and courage. To be a something when I was nothing, this gift I give to you a chance to try what you like in finding what your dreams and passions that will drive you to who you want to be, I'll try my best not to inflict you with my thoughts and opinions and listen to yours. 
But I won't carry hate in my heart because I want to break a chain, the link that continues won't solve the problems it's when we all take the chain cutters and break the padlock this is when we make changes.

I'll be the parent who visits and calls my children and show interest in their life no matter how old they are. I'll be a support system when you need me and a bystander when you don't, I'll teach you the differnece between wrong and right. I may not be perfect and I want you to make mistakes too. All I wish is people could think for themselves instead of flocking like sheep. Smile at another for they have a story as well, it's probably no different to your own you haven't opened and asked yet so why? Haven't you? Is it a threat? Don't be scared of what you don't not know about learn to feel the fear and meet them, open your eyes to something new every day, ask questions and things will help us all to learn as one. We will never always agree but we could walk this world hand in hand as one. 

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