Thursday 30 October 2014

Can you see a future,

In life we tend to think too much of the here and the now we think of ourselves. We all strive to give our children the best education and health but we do not think of their future prospects. Often we are living in the now and we forget our industry may not exist in ten or twenty years time.

Does it matter? Some people don't want to think ten years ahead but let's be honest many of us will be here in ten years and this maybe very different for us, our shoes may change many times, we may lose a loved one our jobs. Things happen that change our paths. We can all sob and be sad or we can look for something bigger, that may be for us as well as our children. Failure to do so is just leaving our children to be deemed "dole bludgers" not by their own choice by the worlds demand. 

Not all children will be born equal many have to try harder to be what they are passionate about, this stage in our lives in this country Australia we should be concerned about what our children will have as companies continue to go offshore. 
Some children won't go to university they don't have that desire or passion to, some just want to be plumbers and mechanics. These days with manufacturing dying within our country where will these children obtain this work? In the mining industry?how will this happen when the family man needs these jobs? Mining only works in towns when all the money is spent in the town, not when they travel 45 minutes away to buy fruit and veg or clothing. Things can be ordered, people aren't patient we want things now, yet when you order something off the Internet you wait patiently then as it comes through the post. Why can you not do the same when it comes to local business?

Having a vision is not selfish it's a part of life. I would love to see everyone have a fair go as once was ment to be the case as the Australian way. Where was this lost?
When people vote to stop boats and when our government put fear in to people because of what someone wears this is not just, nor is it justified in a fair country. 

Where has the spirit gone where we help each other out when someone is down on their luck? Or have we all become so selfish that we don't think about others, it's about how much money we can put in to our own accounts. Is it about showing everyone how fancy your car is. Or that you have purchased a house in some flash estate, you can't take this with you when you die, so why the need to build wealth? For our children to waste? Often this is the case, many children whom have walked in to generations of business these days will opt to sell and sit on the beach, whilst their fathers before them worked hard with this dream to have this business pass through the family. 

I can't save the world , I can't save anything when people are so against me, I have compassion and vision, this maybe because I don't have a mobile phone and maybe because all my conversation isn't through a text message. I prefer to talk you know communication. Your grand parents will know about this so ask them what it's like to know another by face not by a screen name. I'm not popular but I'm not here to be popular I'm here to provoke your ways of thinking. Agree or not you will have to think about it, it may make you angry or it may make you agree. Bit either way it's about doing this. And getting you away from a phone or the Internet and to look at things for what they are.

Have you ever looked and noticed how much everything has changed? You couldn't have noticed that things like newspapers aren't here anymore as much as they once were. People will go online to read the latest news. That was my trade book binding, books are on creek now days , you don't get to smell the glue or the paper, you have your dirty fingers scrolling through each page. You can't read your notebook when the battery is flat a book never goes flat. It's full of knowledge and education. It could be a love story a biography or a scientific journal about food. But no matter what it is it was written to be read, much as books were bound to be read. 

One day people will want old fashioned as we have become so out of touch with each other we take people the wrong way because of the way they type. Some people are just blunt and honest. Can you remember growing up and your parents just wanting to be yourself, why is it when we become adults we are expecting people to follow thoughts like sheep. 

The beauty of being an adult is forming your own opinions and thoughts they may differ from your parents teachings. They may have evolved. Big thinkers made big changes in the world. We don't think anymore our thoughts are often a come back on social media to a thoughtless attack on your intelligence or compassion for another. 
When you have someone thinking rather than them just leaving it and having those thoughts they will attack you personally. Yet of they were attacked in ten same way it would hurt them just as it has hurt you. 

Would it hurt if people took a moment to walk in someone else's shoes? 
Could you? 

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