Monday 3 February 2014

When is privacy not privacy?

In this day where people use all for,s of technology to communicate, it can bring the good and the bad out in all humans. We see people differ in opinions rather than walk away their is always someone who is out there to "get you". 
I'm yet to understand why or what kind of satisfaction one would get out of doing that.
I believe it is someone who really dislikes themselves, so rather than fix their own problems they find it easier to Erupt and cause problems for others.
People seem to never take responsibly for their actions anymore. They believe being spiteful of having that upper hand will allow them some freedom within themselves.
I don't understand how someone can hate yourself that much that you can't fix yourself?

I don't believe in hating people. I dislike those who fuck with me and I allow the goodness of the universe to fuck back using its mite, where karma can inflict a person but nothing with the toxic venom they carry within.
I don't understand how someone can hate others, I think hate is a horrible thing. I find it repulsive when humans talk about their ex partners stalking them photo shopping everything they write, walk away let it go if you have to stalk your ex maybe you should actually be dating them rather than hurting the one you are with.

This is how I e come to privacy, Facebook has account settings that allow every individual to lock their account this allows privacy, when a person writes on their wall and if the persons wall is secure and for friends only to read it is a pure betrayal to screen shot and share with a stranger. This can do damage. If its on a personal private wall no one has a right to ask others to do it for them. I have found myself stuck in a world where I am thrown in to others bullshit bit when it comes to people actually standing up for me they seem to betray me.
When others allow a young person who is spite full maybe because they think I live a great life, maybe I do, maybe I am really lucky that I like myself.
Even without my filter I can enjoy who I am, it's almost like there is one set of rules for you and another set for me. I believe in equality and I believe in freedom. I believe we are all born with a brain and no opinion is ever really right but I can believe in what I do without fear of having my privacy attacked.

I am at home whilst others are able to protect themselves I have to sit here and wait. Funny how the dual can utes stopped stalking but the other hasn't.
Really I must fucken make people think? Why else would others dislike what I say take a personal offence to it? Unless they have no moral standing in this world, if they believe the world owes them something often this is the case.

I have seen this first hand in my own family so I know it exists. 
When bitterness and betrayal happen its can only burn the person who inflicted the bite. The bite may take a while to come back and bite you but it will.

I will forever be who I am I was born this way, personality and all. I don't rely on my looks I don't rely on money I don't rely in friends I rely on me.. 
I will forever protect my privacy even if others do not respect my wish to do so..